This is the internet version of Cer'rin (ker rin'), which started out as a
game setting, became a BBS, and is now world-wide, thanks to the 'web. This
site looks best when viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or higher.
The game-world Cer'rin was created for my personal AD&D game. There is much more information about it elsewhere on this site, so I won't go into all of that right now. As I've progressed more and more into learning about computers, the Cer'rin game setting has become used less in social games, and is now used exclusively for my PBEM game. That's not to say I'd never run a social game again, though, if I got a chance and some good players. :)
The most significant result of my pursuit of computing as a hobby was the establishment of Cer'rin BBS. That was at the very end of 1994, and the board went public early in 1995. To begin with, Cer'rin was to have been solely dedicated to games and recreation, with concentration on the online variety, such as BBS doorgames. With that in mind, I had already registered 8 doors before Cer'rin ever went public. Unfortunately, some problems overtook the BBS in early 1997, and it is now strictly a private system, used by myself and Excalibur.
Fairly new as of this writing (05-06-97) is the establishment of two internet relay chat channels for use by those who'd like to get in touch with me or Ex. You can access #cer'rin and/or #knights on just about any irc server that is part of Our good buddy GIM the eggdrop bot keeps track of the channels for us when we're not there. Ex is on irc most weekdays during EST business hours, and I try to check in at least once each morning. I'm on more some days, depending on work. We are also known to hang out frequently in #ad&d and #shadowrun, which are both great channels (go Keeper and Fro).
Cer'rin RPG: The Game - Wanna join? Here's how.
Cer'rin RPG: The Story -
catch up on what's happened.
Hall of Heroes - The player list and waiting list.
KOS: Rules and regulations
KOS: Story-telling in the shadows
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Cer'Home | Cer'Game | Cer'Story | Cer'Roster | Cer'Links | KOS: Rules | KOS: Story |
Last updated on Wednesday, May 21st, 1997. This site designed and maintained by Shaun Sides. If you are interested in having a professional, custom web page designed, contact me.
AD&D and Shadowrun are Registered Trademarks of TSR, Inc.
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use of the above-mentioned copyrighted material or trademarks on this web site
should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.
Except as noted, all other original material contained on this web site is
Copyright 1994-97 by Shaun Sides and Darrell Bowman